Now open your mind and shine your lamp on the road behind you,
let those who have the same spiritual affinity come with us!
When your cultivation is complete, help those inspired with the same cause.
“ 「天一養生」基本五十餘式, 式式相扣, 以最自然的運作方式, 疏通全身經脈, 調養全身臟腑 ”
In its essence, Ttian Yii Cultivation consists of over fifty closely related gestures, with each gesture flowing into the next. These completely natural gestures harmonize the functions of the body and strengthen the bodily organs.
Ttian (heaven) refers to the infinitely vast external reality, while Yii (one) represents the infinitely small internal reality. It is a means to cultivate an unfailingly positive approach to human life, with love as the foundation.
“ 你對祂是那麼的重要, 只因祂要藉由你的肉身 來廣施祂對世人的那份愛 ”
You are so important to the divine spirits because it is by means of your physical body that they manifest and enhance their love for humanity.
“ 因此, 當你練「天一養生」有相當的心得與成就時, 手印一現, 肉身即代表持印的尊神 ”
Therefore, when you have mastered Ttian Yii Cultivation, with each gesture your body represents the deity with which that gesture is associated.
“ 由心證到印持, 由印持到形隨, 習者或可一印證道, 或得眾佛相持, 但憑福田深淺與廣狹 ”
In traveling from thorough understanding to acceptance; from acceptance to full assimilation, the one who practices Ttian Yii Cultivation may come to comprehend the true way or even come to equal the Buddhas in wisdom and understanding, though this depends upon the depth and breadth of the “soil” cultivated.
Regulating qi is the process of consciously regulating the rhythm of the breath
through the body’s circulatory and other mechanisms to increase oxygen in the blood
to provide energy for the body to enable one’s bodily functions to operate more efficiently,
and to enhance the positive recuperative powers that are latent in one’s body chemistry.
The object of these exercises is to preserve and maintain a person’s good health.
Realize the Latent Potentials of the Body and Intellect
Regulating qi is also an exercise for both the mind and body.
It is a breathing technique that involves controlling the breath, body, and mind
to promote a normal and regular physiological condition in the body
to realize the latent potentials of the body and intellect,
and thus achieve unity of mind and body.
Turn your hands to pass the blessings on to the needy.
This dew, this balm will relieve floods and droughts,
And help heal the sick and relieve suffering.